Last night, I got back from the gym, switched the TV on and Nigella Lawson's new Italian style BBC cooking show Nigellissima was on. Just got to see the last 5 minutes of the show as Nigella whipped up another fantastic feast in her beautiful kitchen.

As Nigella stepped back into her kitchen after feeding her hungry and appreciative guests, I couldn't help notice something very familiar hanging beside her oven - it was Mengsel's Moka Express tea towel in black! I couldn't believe it and had to pause the channel just to make sure. What a random surprise. This shall go down in history as my claim to fame. Hahaha!

Here's a snap on BBC's website with Nigella and black Moka Express tea towel in the background. Love you Nigella!

You can buy the Moka Express tea towel in the Mengsel Shop and it is also available in cherry red and as limited edition hand pulled silkscreen prints in various colour options.

Afterwards, I did some research and found this very interesting link to the BBC website where they showed how the Nigelllissima set was created. On the show, it really looks like her own home, but was created in a warehouse studio. Quite amazing. Check it out here