To celebrate this very special month of Breast Cancer Awareness, I've decided to donate 15% of every sale of my bright neon pink Moka Express silkscreen print until the end of October to the Breast Cancer Campaign.

I can't tell you how many of my girlfriends have lost their Mothers to breast cancer in the past few years. It is very sad and heartbreaking to see somebody go through something like this. By giving just a little bit, we can all help contribute to the research.

More info about Breast Cancer Campaign at their website

I keep thinking about the Sex & The City episode where Samantha finds out that she has breast cancer after going to the doctor to find out about a boob job: "I just don't want to lose my breasts, they're FABULOUS!"

You can purchase the "Moka Express print" in neon pink in the Mengsel Shop, as well as my Etsy Shop.