Yearning for Spring

Today is only the first day of the second month of this year, but I seriously cannot wait for Spring this year. Usually, I visit my family in South Africa with my husband around Christmas, New Years and early January, but we didn't this year. Going in April when hubby's competing in Ironman South Africa - Yay!

We spent Christmas and NY in frosty London, bundled up inside watching the 1st and 2nd series of Homeland and drinking red wine in front of the fireplace to keep warm. Not an entirely bad way to spend a holiday, but I miss sunshine and flowers!

These beautiful blooms on My Pinterest Board made me anticipate Spring even more. I think I might even make it to the Chelsea Flower Show this year. I've never been. Is it worth it?

beautiful blooms

basket of tulips

Mason Jar Obsession:  Be Happy

Flowers at Prairie Collective
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